ICC: Day 4 - "Being Open"

8/14/2007 04:39:00 AM | 0 comments »

It was nice to go back to class this morning. We began to discuss and explore feelings of being in another culture. We did an interactive exercise today. Those usually make me cringe, but it was really good. We basically began exploring the ways we feel when we encounter cultures and practices other than our own and how we make assumptions based on our own perspectives and world view. From our exercise we could imagine that in a real life setting -- over time -- we might experience real feelings of frustration, exhaustion, disbelief, confusion, anger, uselessness, being set up for failure...

What would it be like to live that way? How would our ministries be if we were feeling those ways?

They shared 3 skills for being open...

  • Suspend Judgment
  • Tolerate Ambiguity
  • Think Grey

Those three things are not always easy for me. I'm often quick to make judgment and assumptions. I like to know what's happening -- when -- why -- what for. I usually think pretty logically and in black and white. So...these were good points to discuss for me.

If the rest of ICC will be like today -- I'm really glad to be here. One of the things they said on the first day was that they wouldn't be giving us answers. It's more like we'll be bringing up the questions. ... and as much as I like people telling me the answers, I think that's good. I think there are a lot of things that I just haven't even thought about to think about. I think this will help me to consider things I wouldn't have otherwise.

Today was also about "being open" to what this place and this time will have for me. So... I'm looking forward to getting some physical activity. I walked to and from class today. I know... some of you are thinking -- what??!! Physical activity -- phbbt!! Well... I would walk a few yards from my house to the car... to the office ... to my desk and then sit for a whole day. At least here it's a little bit further than that!
AND... I'm looking forward to being outside. I sat outside today and made some phone calls (because it's the only way I can get cell phone reception!). It was nice. I love being outside. Looking forward to being out more :)

Ah... one other thing that I realized today...

I'm interested in the self-discovery process that'll likely be taking place now and when I'm in the Philippines. There are lots of influences in all of our lives. I think it's only been recently that I've become aware of how some things I do are "unique" when I'm the only Filipino around. I never realized it was "different."

So, what will I discover are the things in me that are due to my family? to my being Filipino? to my being American? to my being Filipino American? to my being a believer? to my being involved with Campus Crusade? to my being a Wycliffe person? to my being ME?

Open to seeing what there is to discover...