Goodbyes to Good Friends

8/01/2007 04:00:00 AM | 0 comments »

I got to have "last" lunch today with Emily and Marshall. About 4 years ago or so I met Emily through people at work. Together with another good friend, SarahJoy, we met to study the Bible, pray and encourage each other. I love these women. They are such good friends and I cherish the times I've had to spend with them.

Emily and Marshall got married a couple of years ago and I have loved seeing them grow in their marriage and in their walks in the Lord. It's been neat to see how God has worked in their lives and how He's been growing them. I admire their prayerfulness and their faith. AND... Marshall was teaching me how to play guitar for a while. He's the best instrument teacher I've had (if anyone in Orlando needs a teacher... he's the one to go to!) -- I was even able to start playing a couple of chords to a David Crowder song! Ok -- granted, I've not picked up my guitar in almost a year now and have since forgotten it, but still I knew it at one point and that was a huge accomplishment!
BTW - I brought my guitar and am determined to learn how to play it!
I will definitely miss them.